How to Fight the Sunday Scaries

Do you get the Sunday Scaries, the anxiety that comes before you catch a case of the Mondays? You might have experienced this feeling of mounting stress as the weekend begins to draw to a close. It could even feel like this feeling eats into your weekend, devouring those last few precious hours.

You can’t stop Mondays from coming, but you can create a few habits to fight the Sunday Scaries. Take a look! In this short video that we found for you online, you’ll learn about the Sunday Scaries and some strategies to combat them.

These habits could help you transform your day from Sunday Scaries back into the Sunday Funday it was always meant to be. Now that you’ve got a plan of attack to fight the anxiety of a weekend coming to an end, let’s take a quick look at a few ways to prepare for a Magical Monday instead of the usual manic one.

Keep Mornings Simple

Instead of rushing around on Monday morning, keep it simple. Have your clothes picked out and a simple breakfast planned the night before. Don’t make this complicated. Take just a few minutes to prepare before you turn in on Sunday night.

Don’t Snooze

Try getting up when your alarm goes off rather than hitting snooze repeatedly in an attempt to delay the day. This will give you extra time to get ready and will make the morning feel less rushed.

Create a Morning Routine

Is there anything you like in the morning? Creating a simple, happy morning routine could give you a boost of positive feeling in the morning. It could be as simple as a cup of tea or coffee first thing, or you could have a satisfying stretch before you roll out of bed. Your happy morning ritual might involve going to your favorite local coffee shop before work. Whatever little things make you happy, do that.

Add Music

If you really want to start the day off right, make a playlist of cheerful songs to get you pumped up for the day. Comedian Taylor Tomlinson recommended The Parent Trap (1998 Soundtrack) to boost your mood. Give it a listen and see if it doesn’t perk you up! Not your style? Find the music that makes you get your groove back on a Monday morning.

Mondays don’t have to be a source of stress, and Sundays don’t have to be scary. Begin to approach these high-stress times of the week with intention, and you just might find that you don’t dread a weekend’s end or a week beginning. You might even (fingers crossed) look forward to them!

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