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Enlightened Vibes

Our Enlightened Vibes are long-form articles designed to lift your spirits, speak to your wellbeing, and help you learn to raise your vibration in your everyday life. From mindset to wellness to fitness, we’ll bring you actionable and helpful tips to assist you in crafting your best life.

Unplug to Lighten Your Load

Being constantly connected to technology, social media, and other people seems effective. In reality, it can quickly become all-consuming, draining, and unhealthy. Regularly taking...

How Cleaning Can Put You in a Better Mood

You may think of a cleaning as just another task added to your to-do list. It’s often something you need to do yet never...

Be More, Own Less: Becoming a Minimalist

The minimalist lifestyle is gaining popularity both with Millennials and with older generations. It’s changing how we treat others around us, how we identify...

4 Popular Mood Boosting Herbs

A stockpile of fuzzy blankets, or a good book can help take the edge of a bit of seasonal depression, but there are times...

5 Things Happy People Don’t Do

When you look around at the friends and family members who always seem happy, do you find yourself comparing them, wondering exactly what it...

Stop Running, Start Resting

The struggle is real and so is the hustle of day-to-day life. If you’re like most people, you likely run from morning to night...

Why the Adult Coloring Book Has Become So Popular

Do you remember being a kid and getting a brand new coloring book? It was so fun to sit at the table and use...


Cancers tend to take initiative and are likely to be assertive and strong. Even male Cancers usually have a maternal streak a mile wide....

4 Tips for Celebrating Life’s Little Goals

Setting and then achieving our goals can be viewed as the root of our personal development. We need to set out to accomplish things...


This water sign is profoundly emotional, but Scorpios often prefer to keep it just below the surface. It simmers and tends to escape right...

Money Can’t Buy Happiness, but It Can Buy Good Counseling

There’s an old saying about how money can’t buy you happiness, and it’s true. Money can do a lot of of things, but helping...

How to Pay it Forward for Free

The world needs a little extra positivity and light and selfless acts of kindness aren’t about selfish recognition. They’re truly about faith in humanity,...

Daily Vibe

Astrology 101

Interested in astrology? Want to know more about your star sign? If you’re looking forward to our Daily Horoscopes but don’t know where to start, you’re in the right place.

Everyday Vibes

Our Everyday Vibes are short, easy-to-read tips that you can quickly peruse and understand, even on a hectic day. Keep your eyes peeled for an array of new tips to stay in the loop and keep your vibration high.

3 Tips for a Legitimately Productive Day

We all want to be productive, but many of us mistake multitasking for productivity and end up slowing ourselves down more than anything else....

The 5-Minute Mini-Declutter

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by the clutter around you? Do you feel like you’re surrounded by piles of useless stuff? It happens...

Learning to Say No (and Mean It)

No. It’s one of the most powerful words in the English language, yet so many of us (now that we’re adults) are afraid to...

2 Realistic Goals Every Person Should Set for Themselves

Every person needs goals in life to help them stay on track. You want to be motivated to live well and keep on dreaming...

It May Only Take 5 Minutes a Day to Change Your Life

Even if you’re an incredibly busy person, you likely can manage 5 minutes somewhere in your day– especially if it can change your life....

How to Fight the Sunday Scaries

Do you get the Sunday Scaries, the anxiety that comes before you catch a case of the Mondays? You might have experienced this feeling...

3 Reasons to Spend More Time Outdoors

Tired of being cooped up indoors? Enjoying the spring and the anticipation of summer? While a lot of us like to spend times outdoors,...

Have a Gut Feeling? Here’s Why…

Ever have a “gut feeling?” A sensation in your abdominal region when you feel nervous or unsure of what to do next? There’s a...

5 Reasons You Need to Think Like an Optimist

Skepticism, pessimism, optimism --- everyone you know belongs to one of these camps when it comes to everyday thought. While some people think pessimism...

How to Hygge Your Home

Hello, sweater weather, hoodie season, and all things pumpkin and apple spice! The seasons shift, the weather gets cooler, and the nights get longer....

Happiness Isn’t…

In our quest for happiness and a sense of peace, we often focus on the things that we feel will make us happy. Sometimes...

How to Have a Productive Day

Do you sometimes feel like you’re spinning wheels, wasting time, and not getting enough done each day? It happens to all of us from...

Daily Vibe

About Daily Vibe

Our team deeply believes in the holistic connection of your entire being. If one part of you is out of sync, the rest of your mind, body, and energy will follow. At Daily Vibe, we are committed to helping you stay on a pathway to light and life. We’re grateful you’re here and hope you’ll make Daily Vibe a part of your everyday routine.

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