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Daily Vibe

Enlightened Vibes

Our Enlightened Vibes are long-form articles designed to lift your spirits, speak to your wellbeing, and help you learn to raise your vibration in your everyday life. From mindset to wellness to fitness, we’ll bring you actionable and helpful tips to assist you in crafting your best life.

Creating a Positive Social Media Atmosphere

Social media platforms are incredibly helpful when it comes to engaging with friends and family or for networking with professional peers. Many of these...

5 Things Happy People Don’t Do

When you look around at the friends and family members who always seem happy, do you find yourself comparing them, wondering exactly what it...

Simply Learning While Relaxing

Take a deep breath. Pop on the video above. Get ready for a new kind of experience. You can watch, or even just listen while you close...

Why You Should Power Nap Regularly

Most of us wish we could take a quick nap sometime during the day but never do. Research is starting to show that naps,...


Like other signs with the element of air, Aquarians are often witty and smart thinkers who use their minds to sort out their problems...

Unplug to Lighten Your Load

Being constantly connected to technology, social media, and other people seems effective. In reality, it can quickly become all-consuming, draining, and unhealthy. Regularly taking...


This fire sign enjoys romance and pleasure: both emotionally and physically, and the more creative, the better. This astrological sign is faithful, and will...

5 Daily Habits for a Healthier, Happier Mind

When you think about habits, bad habits may be the first ones to come to mind. The thought of breaking bad habits can be...

The Path from Self-Esteem to Inner Happiness

(DailyVibe) - It’s difficult to be truly happy when we just don’t love ourselves. The way we think about ourselves influences how we perceive...

Why You Need to Spend More Time Outdoors

We spend the majority of our days in our homes or cooped up in our places of work. What we all really need is...

Replacing Negative Thoughts with Positive

Life isn’t always all sunshine and roses and from time to time you’re going to experience negative feelings and emotions. Every thought and feeling...


Capricorns should be careful to remember to be kind, and make an effort to connect with people in order to have healthy relationships. Sometimes...

Daily Vibe

Astrology 101

Interested in astrology? Want to know more about your star sign? If you’re looking forward to our Daily Horoscopes but don’t know where to start, you’re in the right place.

Everyday Vibes

Our Everyday Vibes are short, easy-to-read tips that you can quickly peruse and understand, even on a hectic day. Keep your eyes peeled for an array of new tips to stay in the loop and keep your vibration high.

Self-Care Tips for Parents

Babies, toddlers, young children, and even teens will keep you on your toes day in and day out. The responsibility of taking care of...

How to Pay it Forward for Free

The world needs a little extra positivity and light and selfless acts of kindness aren’t about selfish recognition. They’re truly about faith in humanity,...

Your Own Instant Mood Booster

Bad moods are the worst, and it can be hard to get out of the funk. Even worse, once your mood is low, it...

10 Easy and Effectual Health Habits For Women

If you are a woman (or know and love one), this next video is for you. These health tips could be life-changing. While they...

Small Changes Can Help You Achieve BIG Dreams

Goals aren’t supposed to make you feel like you never measure up. Setting goals can help you stay inspired and motivated. It gives you...

The Startling Benefits of Vitamin D and How to Get More

No one really ever argues against vitamin D, but most people claim you should go outside and get some without really saying why. We...

Saying Goodbye to Toxic Relationships

Are there people in your life who not only bring no value to the proverbial table but seem like they’re constantly taking from you...

How to Avoid Toxic Relationships

Toxic people… they can be so charming and smooth that it can take a long while before you realize that they do you more...

How to Have a Productive Day

Do you sometimes feel like you’re spinning wheels, wasting time, and not getting enough done each day? It happens to all of us from...

3 Ways to Make a Habit Out of Positive Thinking

It isn’t the things that happen to us that determine our happiness - it’s the way we look at our world and manage the...

Pleasure vs. Happiness – What’s the Difference?

People just can’t seem to get enough of happiness. If it came in patches (like nicotine patches) most of us would cover ourselves in...

3 Apps for Increased Productivity

There are so many apps available today. Many of them can make life just a bit easier, whether you’re banking, grocery shopping, networking or...

Daily Vibe

About Daily Vibe

Our team deeply believes in the holistic connection of your entire being. If one part of you is out of sync, the rest of your mind, body, and energy will follow. At Daily Vibe, we are committed to helping you stay on a pathway to light and life. We’re grateful you’re here and hope you’ll make Daily Vibe a part of your everyday routine.

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