You might not always be in the best mood, but music undoubtedly lifts your spirits and makes your moods better. There are three songs you can play to help put yourself in a happier mood, number one being Happy by Pharrell Williams. Clap along..
Katrina & The Waves make plenty of people feel alive when they hear the song, I’m Walking on Sunshine. Most people know the chorus, “I’m walking on sunshine, woah-oh, I’m walking on sunshine, woah-oh, I’m walking on sunshine, woah-oh, and don’t it feel good!”
Don’t Worry Be Happy. That’s the name of the song by Bobby McFerrin that seems to make everyone want to whistle along to his tune. “In every life we have some trouble, and when you worry you make it double,” he sings. So don’t worry and just be happy is his advice. It’s hard not to when you hear the catchy tune and bob along to the beat.
Add these songs to your happy playlist if they’re not on there already, and watch your mood change instantly.