Enlightened Vibes

Our Enlightened Vibes are long-form articles designed to lift your spirits, speak to your wellbeing, and help you learn to raise your vibration in your everyday life. From mindset to wellness to fitness, we’ll bring you actionable and helpful tips to assist you in crafting your best life.

In addition to expanded information that aligns with your horoscope, we’ll send you articles that dive deeper into the topics we normally feature. These vibes will give you the chance to take a journey into the wellness topics that interest you. We’re looking forward to sharing more with you soon!

Pleasure vs. Happiness – What’s the Difference

Pleasure vs. Happiness – What’s the Difference?

People just can’t seem to get enough of happiness. If it came in patches (like nicotine patches) most of us would cover ourselves in...
4 Popular Mood Boosting Herbs

4 Popular Mood Boosting Herbs

A stockpile of fuzzy blankets, or a good book can help take the edge of a bit of seasonal depression, but there are times...
Be More, Own Less: Becoming a Minimalist

Be More, Own Less: Becoming a Minimalist

The minimalist lifestyle is gaining popularity both with Millennials and with older generations. It’s changing how we treat others around us, how we identify...
Art Journaling for Stress Relief and Focus

Art Journaling for Stress Relief and Focus

Making any sort of art might not sound like it can relieve your stress. In fact, for those of us who don’t have an...
3 Apps for Increased Productivity

3 Apps for Increased Productivity

There are so many apps available today. Many of them can make life just a bit easier, whether you’re banking, grocery shopping, networking or...
4 Tips for Celebrating Life’s Little Goals

4 Tips for Celebrating Life’s Little Goals

Setting and then achieving our goals can be viewed as the root of our personal development. We need to set out to accomplish things...
I’ve Made Time to Meditate – Now What?

I’ve Made Time to Meditate – Now What?

So, you’ve made time to meditate. Now what? You can use meditation to combat stress, foster better physical health, resolve issues with chronic pain, or...
Why Forgiveness is One of the Keys to Happiness

Why Forgiveness is One of the Keys to Happiness

We all know how hard it can be to forgive someone who did us wrong. We would rather simply put them out of our...
Spruce Up Your Home to Change the Way You Feel

Spruce Up Your Home to Change the Way You Feel

Many people start each day seeing the same old scenery they’ve seen for years. Their house hasn’t changed a bit since they decorated when...
Skip the Zoo; Go to an Animal Sanctuary to Improve Your Mood

Skip the Zoo; Go to an Animal Sanctuary to Improve Your Mood

Many people avoid going to the zoo because they don’t like the idea of wild animals being caged and helpless. Many get taken out...

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